Book Trivia Tuesday Week 13
Two weeks ago, we discussed illustrator, John Schoenherr, the1988 Caldecott Medal Winner.
This month we are going to celebrate a pioneer in making reading fun for kids: Dr. Seuss. Today's Dr. Suess Trivia Question is: What is Dr. Seuss’ real name and what other pen names did he write books under?
Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on March 2, 1904, in Springfield, MA. During his writing career he wrote under the names Theo LeSieg, Rosetta Stone, and of course his most famous name, Dr. Seuss. He founded Beginner Books, Inc. in 1958 (which became a division of Random House in 1960).
During his career, he wrote more than 60 books, served in the Army during World War II and he won a Pulitzer Prize in 1984. Read Across America is celebrated on his Birthday every year in his honor.
What Dr. Seuss books did you read as a child & which one has stuck with you all these years?
Find a collection of his books here.
To find a collection of books published by Beginner Books, Inc., click here.
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