Pair of Vintage Living Science Picture Books: We Like Bugs and A Trip to the Yard


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Titles:  We Like Bugs and A Trip to the Yard
Format:  Clothbound Hardcovers - We Like Bugs includes its dust jacket
Authors:  Gladys Conklin and Genevive Cross
Illustrators:  Artur Marokvia and Marjorie Hartwell and Rachel Dixon
Copyright Years:  1962 and 1952
Publishers:  Holiday House and Cross Publications
Condition:  Cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges. We Like Bugs is an ex-school library book & shows markings, stamps & notations commonly found in ex-library books.  A Trip to the Yard has a name written on the title page in marker. No torn or missing pages noted.  These editions are tightly bound with no damage to the hinges. 

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