Three Miss Pat Books by Pemberton Ginther: Miss Pat at School, Miss Pat and Her Sisters & Miss Pat's Holidays at Greycroft


Title:   Miss Pat at School, Miss Pat and Her Sisters & Miss Pat's Holidays at Greycroft
Format:  Clothbound Hardcover
Author:  Pemberton Ginther (penname of Mary Pemberton Heyler)
Illustrator:  none listed (probably Pemberton Ginther as she was an artist/illustrator herself)
Publisher:  The John C. Winston Company
Year:  1915, 1915 & 1916
Length: 323 Pages, 325 Pages & 235 Pages
Dimensions: 5" wide by 7.25" tall
Condition:  Minor cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges.  The insides are very clean - no writing, torn or missing pages noted in the first two books. There is some foxing (age spots) on several pages.  There is an inscription written in pencil on the inside cover page of Miss Pat's Holidays at Greycroft.
