Pair of Chip Hilton Sports Story Books: Strike Three & Hoop Crazy by Clair Bee


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Title:  Pair of A Chip Hilton Sports Story Books: #3 Strike Three and #5 Hoop Crazy
Format:  Clothbound Hardcovers
Author:  Calir Bee
Illustrator:  None Listed
Publisher:  Grosset & Dunlap Publishers New York
Year:  1949 & 1950
Length: 212 Pages and 215 Pages
Dimensions: 5" wide by 7.5" tall
Condition:  Minor cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges.  There is an inscription in pencil on the page right after the contents page - this page is like a half title page right before chapter one starts.  No other writing noted in either book.  There are several pages that have been folded down over the years.  No torn or missing pages noted. Both books are tightly bound.
