R. Caldecott's Picture Book No. 2 by Randolph Caldecott


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Title:  R. Caldecott's Picture Book No. 2 Containing the stories:  The Three Jovial Huntsmen, Sing a Song for Sixpence, The Queen of Hearts, and The Farmer's Boy
Format:  Clothbound Hardcover
Author:  Randolph Caldecott
Illustrator:  Randolph Caldecott
Year:  undated, however in researching, most sources site this book was published in the early 1900's.
Publisher:  Frederick, Warne and Co., LTD.
Length: 127 Pages
Dimensions: 8.25" wide by 9" tall
Condition:  Minor cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges.  This book was a school library book in the 1960's & 1970's.  There are school stamps on a few of the pages.  The school library pocket and card are still inside the back cover of the book for you to view.  This book has been well loved.  Many pages have tears along the bottom of the pages from less than careful page turning over the years.  The pages are wrinkled (another sign of being well loved & well read through the years).  The illustrations are gorgeous & this book still has lots of stories to tell - are you going to be part of its next chapter?

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