Elson-Gray Basic Readers Book Set - vintage school books


Title:  Elson-Gray Basic Readers Book Set of Four Books:  Primer, Book One, Book Four & Book Six
Format:  Clothbound Hardcovers
Author:  various
Illustrator:  various
Publisher:  Scott, Foresman and Company
Year:  1930, 1930, 1931, and 1936
Length: 144 Pages, 176 Pages, 383 Pages, and 465 Pages
Dimensions: 5.5" wide by 7.5" tall
Condition:  These beautiful, old schoolbooks have been well-loved and read over the years.  They show wear to the covers and spines especially noted around the edges.  They come with school stamps & writing on the inside covers & one volume has a school stamp on the title page as well.  Repairs have been made to the pages of at least one book.  The pages are worn & wrinkly from years of being turned.  What memories these beautiful books hold.  

I cannot decide what I love more - the covers or the inside covers?  Which would you choose as your favorite?
