Love Comes Softly Complete Book Set by Janette Oke
Title: Love Comes Softly Saga Book Set In Order: Love Comes Softly, Love's Enduring Promise, Love's Long Journey, Love's Abiding Joy, Love's Unending Legacy, Love's Unfolding Dream, Love Takes Wing and Love Finds A Home
Format: Softcovers
Author: Janette Oke
Illustrator: None
Years: 1979 - 1989
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Dimensions: 5.25" wide by 8" tall
Condition: Cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges. There is a last name written in ink on the inside endpaper of Love Comes Softly, a name/address sticker on the inside cover of Love Finds a Home along with a stamp from the store it was originally purchased from on the half title page. No torn or missing pages noted. There is aging to the pages in most editions.
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