Set of 5 Margaret Bloy Graham Books: Benjy, Harry & Be Nice to Spiders


Title:  Benjy and the Barking Bird, Benjy's Dog House, Harry by the Sea, Harry and the Lady Next Door and Be Nice to Spiders
Format:  Clothbound Hardcovers
Author:  Margaret Bloy Graham (The Harry books were written by Gene Zion)
Illustrator:  Margaret Bloy Graham
Year:  various (1960's and 1970's) 
Publisher:  Harper & Row, Publishers for Weekly Reader Children's Book Club, An I Can Read Book
Length: various lengths
Dimensions: various sizes - largest is 8.25" wide by 11" tall and the smallest is 6.25" wide by 8.75" tall.  
Condition:  Cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges. No writing, torn or missing pages noted. Books are tightly bound.  Be Nice to Spiders shows the most wear on the outside including a piece of masking tape on the front cover, however, the inside is clean.  There is an address sticker on the inside cover of Harry and the Lady Next Door.  
