Buster Bear's Twins, The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat & The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk by Thornton W. Burgess
Title: Set of Three Thorton W. Burgess Books: Buster Bear's Twins, The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat & The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk
Format: Clothbound Hardcover (Bust Bear's Twin's & The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat include their Dust Jackets)
Author: Thornton W. Burgess
Illustrator: Harrison Cady
Year: 1923, 1942 & 1946
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
Length: 207 Pages, 179 Pages, and 189 Pages
Dimensions: 5.25" wide by 7.75" tall
Condition: The dust jackets show wear especially noted around the edges. Minor wear around the edges of the covers & spines. No torn or missing pages noted. The books are tightly bound. There is a name & inscription written on the half title page of The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk. The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat has a name written on the half title page. No other writing noted throughout the books. In The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat, there is discoloration on the bottom foredges of the book that do show a bit at the spine of most of the pages.
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