Green Book of Birds, Blue Book of Birds & Indians of America - Whitman Guides


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Title:  Pocket Nature Guides by Whitman Publishing - The Green Book of Birds of America, The Blue Book of Birds of America and Indians of America
Format:  Softcovers
Authors:  Frank Ashbrook, Frank Ashbrook and Lillian Davis Fazzini
Illustrators:   Paul Moller, Paul Moller, and no illustrator listed for Indians of America
Years:  1931, 1931, and 1935
Publisher:  Whitman Publishing Co.
Dimensions: " wide by " tall
Condition:  The cover and spine show wear especially noted around the edges.  No torn or missing pages noted.  While there are no missing pages, several pages have come away from the books as noted in the photos.  There is a name written in pencil inside Indians of America.  These editions are tightly bound.

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