The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse by Thornton Burgess
Title: The Bedtime Story-Books: The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse
Format: Clothbound Hardcover
Author: Thornton Burgess
Illustrator: Harrison Cady
Copyright Year: 1924
Publisher: Little, Brown, and Company - Boston
Condition: Cover & spine noted especially around the edges. There is a name & address written in ink on the inside cover endpapers. No additional writing noted. Tightly bound, however the back inside cover is a little loose. A smudge or two noted within the pages. This book was well-loved by its previous owners. The spine is loose & coming away from the book in places. There are page wrinkles & corner folds noted. The frontispiece opposite the title page is missing & two of the illustrations have come away from the book - they are still included but they are no longer attached. This obviously was the most loved book in this grouping I found from the same owners.
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