Indian Fairy Tales Edited by Joseph Jacobs

$39.00 $49.00

Title:  Indian Fairy Tales
Format:  Clothbound Hardcover
Edited By: Gathered From the Hindoos and Edited by Joseph Jacobs  
Illustrator:  John D. Batten
Year:  undated
Publisher:  A. L. Burt Company, Publishers New York
Length: 314 Pages
Dimensions: 5" wide by 7.5" tall
Condition:  Minor cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges.  Both cover spines are cracked but still intact.  The book is tightly bound.  There is an inscription written in pencil on the inside cover.  There are no torn or missing pages noted.  There is water damage to this edition as shown in the photos.  No odor or mold noted.  This edition has been well-loved over the years but just look at that cover!!!!
