Complete Stories & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe - 1966 Edition


– Sold Out
Title:  Complete Stories & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Format:  Clothbound Hardcover with Dust Jacket
Author:  Complied by Doubleday & Company 
Illustrator:  None listed - Dust Jacket Design by Reisie Lonette 
Publisher:  Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York
Year:  1966
Length: 819 Pages
Dimensions: 5.75" wide by 8.5" tall
Condition:  Cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges of the dust jacket.  Minor cover & spine wear noted around the edges of the book itself.  There is a name blacked out in marker on the inside cover page.  No other writing noted. No torn or missing pages noted.  This edition is tightly bound.  There is foxing noted on the foredges.  Note the condition of the dust jacket in the photos.
