Best In Children's Books by Nelson Doubleday, Inc. 1957 Volume 4 - Christmas Edition


Title:  Best in Children's Books:  A Christmas Carol, Me and the Bears, The Night Before Christmas, David & Goliath, Your Own Aquarium, Nature's Hiding Places, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, John Paul Jones and This is Switzerland
Format:  Clothbound Hardcover
Author:  Charles Dickens, Robert Bright, Clement C. Moore, April Oursler Armstrong, Victor C. Smith, Barbara Henderson, W. B. Teeters, Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, and Smith Burnham
Illustrator:  various
Year:  1957 - Volume #4
Publisher:  Nelson Doubleday, Inc. Garden City, New York
Length: 160 Pages
Dimensions: 5.75" wide by 8.5" tall
Condition:  Cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges.  No writing, torn or missing pages noted.  This edition is tightly bound.

Best in Children's Books were published by Nelson Doubleday, Inc. as part of a book club which ran from 1957 until the late 1960's.  These editions contain both fiction and nonfiction stories & always included information on a different country.  Their gorgeous spines and covers make them a popular set for collectors.  Each cover and spine is embossed and contains illustrations taken from within the pages of the edition.
