The Alice and Jerry Books Reading Foundation Series Books - Day In and Day Out, and Round About


Title:  The Alice and Jerry Basic Reading Foundation Series Books:  Day in and Day Out, Round About
Format:  Clothbound Softcovers
Author:  Mabel O'Donnell and Alice Carey - Carey only wrote Day in and Day Out with Mabel O'Donnell
Illustrator:  Florence & Margaret Hoopes
Year:  1941
Publisher:  Row, Peterson and Company
Dimensions: 6" wide by 8" tall
Condition:  Cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges.  No missing pages noted.  There is a name written in pencil on the inside cover of Day In and Day Out.  Round About is an ex-schoolbook and has a school sticker inside the cover.  No other writing noted.  Each book has a small tear to one of the first pages of the book.  No other page tears noted.  Each book is tightly bound.  

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